

Motorcycles are a type of motor vehicle with two wheels and powered by an engine. They are used for commuting, cruising, touring, and sport (including racing). Motorcycles are also a common mode of transportation in many countries and cultures. They are a popular mode of transportation in poor nations due to their low price, fuel efficiency, and ease of operation. Additionally, motorcycles are often easier to park than cars, allowing them to access car pool lanes and dedicated motorcycle parking spots. Despite their popularity, motorcycles are still a dangerous mode of transport and have been associated with significant risk of injury or death to the rider.

The first internal combustion, petroleum fueled, motorcycle was built by Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach in Bad Cannstatt Germany in 1885. It was called the Reitwagen, and it differed from both safety bicycles and boneshaker bicycles of that era in that it had no steering axis angle, no fork offset, and relied on two outrigger wheels similar to training wheels to remain upright during turns.

Modern motorcycles use a system of leaning to turn, which requires the rider to apply pressure to the handlebars in the opposite direction they wish to move in order to steer. This is known as countersteering, and it is extremely difficult for new riders to master. As a result, it is almost always easier for an experienced rider to control the bike with only one hand on the throttle and the other on the gear shifter.