Millions of children and adults participate in team sports, and the impact that sports has on these individuals extends far beyond the court, rink or field. The life skills kids learn from playing team sports can be used in their daily lives, both in and out of the game, to help them become more well-rounded people inside and out.
Working as a member of a team requires putting the needs of the group ahead of your own. Whether it’s passing a open teammate on the court instead of trying to force a shot or running your pass assignment perfectly even when the QB throws it to another guy, success in any sport demands that you put others before yourself.
Communication is key for any team. Team athletes communicate constantly through spoken and unspoken means – locker room discussions, team meetings, strategy discussion and nonverbal cues from teammates. In addition to verbal communication, team players learn to listen and to express themselves in a way that is respectful to the needs of the team.
Nothing worth having comes easy in any sport, and successful athletes know that hard work creates results – confidence, winning streaks and self esteem. In a competitive world that exists in school, work and in sports, it is important for kids to learn how to handle competition early on in their lives so that they can be successful in whatever they choose to pursue as adults.